Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Five Things (Tagged)

Emity tagged me and I'm not sure how to get the form, or even if there is one, but I will do what I can do.

Five Things I don't leave the House without

Eye glasses
Driver’s license
My black binder and my Mom’s Checkbook
Morning Prayer

Five Cartoons I watched when I was Younger

Woody Woodpecker. (He had lots of red hair.)
Chip & Dale (the Cute little chipmunks, just to clarify.)
The Huckleberry Hound carton show with Yogi Bear.
Mr. MaGoo (He was a blind as a bat, but everything worked out for him.)
The Road Runner (He always out foxed the fox)

Five Things That Terrify Me

The thought of something happening to DeAnne.
The thought of loosing my scriptures.
Male in-laws on my side of the family.

Five Things I hate/dislike that everyone else seems to like.

Brownies (I know. . ., but give me cheesecake or give me death)
Pasta without any meat
Cottage cheese in Jell-o
Gummy Bears or worms
Orchestra Music

Five Things I want to do before I Die

I would like to have seen Alaska.
Take DeAnne to upstate New York and Kirtland on a church history tour.
Be watching conference when the prophet announces the building of the Temple in Jackson County.
See Elder Bednar and Elder Holland called to Jerusalem to help the Jews build their Temple in Jerusalem, testify of Christ, and act as the two powerful prophets that John saw.
See McKay get married! (In the Temple of course.)

Five People I tag

The Cat
Christ (Wouldn’t that be interesting?)

1 comment:

em said...

That was fun to read! Thanks for doing it.