I talked to Jared and Liz on Thursday night, and of course, we talked about Mom. I told Jared how I struggle seeing Mom in such a sad and depressed state. I need to figure out the lesson I am suppose to learn from this experience with Mom right now. Jared is wise beyond his years. He said he thought the lesson might not have to do so much with what Mom need to learn, but with what we have to learn by to seeing Mom this way. There is some eternal principle we need to learn that will help us when become gods.
What am I learning from this stage of Mom’s life? Compassion, charity and love, just as the Savior died for us, He suffered not only for all our sins, but so that He could feel the anguish, sadness, helplessness and discouragement that we will all face in this life. Our Savior grew in experience and compassion by having felt those feelings that we all have while he was living and while he was in the garden. Now I need to share those experiences and feelings that Mom is going through. I hope to learn them now so I won’t need to experience them first hand latter in my life. Thank you Jared and Liz!
(Saturday, June 20th) Tomorrow is Father’s Day. My earthly Father passed away this year on February 24, so I won’t be able to see him for Father’s Day. That makes me sad. I do miss him! Even though I can’t see him, I decided to go to his grave site and talk to him today, because I will be going to Price on Fathers Day to see the love of my life, DeAnne. She has been gone since Wednesday night and I really miss talking to her, seeing her, touching her and holding her.
I took Dad some beautiful flowers from his own yard. His yard is looking very nice this year. I spent about a half hour talking to him and asking him for help. What does he want me to do for Mom? Am I doing the things he wants me to do with his finances? Is he pleased with the things we are doing to take care of Mom? I have often asked my Heavenly Father those same questions. I thought today, “Isn’t it great to be able to talk to both my Heavenly Father and my earthly Father? I know they both hear me.
I felt both of them there at the gravesite and something very special happen to me while I was there. I felt there love, I felt their arms around me and I felt warm inside. What a great feeling! I felt that they were happy with the things I was doing for Mom and the way I was handling Mom and Dad’s finances.
I was reminded that people are more important than money and earthly things, and that the finances were now done and I need to spend less time on finances transfer that time instead to visiting Mom.
Dad told me to go visit Mom and tell her that I had talked to him. So I went from the gravesite directly to visit Mom. She was asleep when I got there. As I entered her room she woke up and we had a good talk. I told her I had been to the gravesite and talked to Dad. Mom and I had a good talk about earthly things and heavenly things. I hope her spirits were lifted by my visit. I enjoyed it.
Lesson to be learned: Talk to your parents and children while you can see them. And while you have them enjoy them and the things they do. Do things together! I have found a new love all my family!
books read in 2015
9 years ago
Love you, Dad. Happy Father's Day.
Happy Father's Day Dad! I love you very much and thank you for sharing Mom with me. Her help was much appreciated. That makes 2 Father's Days you've had to come to Price and pick up your wife. I promise it won't happen again. :) Thanks for all you do.
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